Ok, Ok...this is my first blog entry of my life and am I nervous…(Cammy has done all the entries to date..Thanks Cammy!)..well, here goes nothing....
What is up with kids and their constant need for flying through the air! Always higher, always faster....I can attest that when I was a kid there was never a tree that I did not climb or a latter that was not conquered. Mix that with water below and that makes for a great, fun time! I remember jumping off barges, bridges, fire trucks that were on bridges (that is a long, but good story) and having a rope swing that would launch you 30 feet into the air before you let go and plummet into the Willamette river....of course there were no adults around for these amazing feats of courage (or stupidity)….these memories though have come flooding back to me as I have watched my own kids push their limits for the need to go higher, and higher to find or feel that feeling of flying through the air. It all started in the pool at Black Butte where I would throw them over and over again as little kids in the air and they would splash into the water and then they would beg for more. Then it was onto the ski boat tower where they would climb to the top rung and jump off, over and over and over, always smiling and laughing. Even Harrison gets into the mix...scary to think he is only four and has no fear of jumping 10 feet into the Willamette.
I am glad to say that they have a good sense about them and I do not see them jumping off any bridges anytime soon, like some other clowns I know (one being myself).....knock on wood! But when there are no boats to be climbed, good old Uncle Jeff will have to do...This past week while at Black Butte (we disappear there during the summers for weeks at a time) we found a perfect spot at Suttle Lake that had an old tree that had fallen out into the water and was perfect launching pad to jump into the water. Then Uncle Jeff got into the mix and kids where flying everywhere!…Thanks Uncle Jeffy for the great time!
Here is Team Smith and Team Dean hanging out at Suttle Lake.
It never got old to them....
Good job Mike. I loved it!
Mike, welcome to my world! Well, look who can write. I love it. You should do a special weekly feature! Seeing these pictures makes me wish william was there. eventhough he would refuse to do anything daredevilish. We miss you guys!
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