Thursday, December 25, 2008

Why do we have a cow?

Max was a cow when we acted out the Christmas story. I am not sure why we needed a cow but Jeff was in charge and he always takes artistic liberties. Harrison was a ninja and last time I read the Bible, there were not any ninjas. We had a very fun time. The best part was the food. We are NOT vegitarians. I think my mom was trying to please everyone because we had ham, salmon, and steak along with all the side dishes. I am not sure if it is normal to have 3 huge platters of meat when you serve your family but we are far from normal. Mikey and Max thought they had died and gone to some great protein heaven.

The snow began falling around 7:00 and we all ran to our cars and left. Snow to an Oregonian is like kryptonite. We just don't know how to handle it and we are so afraid of it. I remember in Utah driving around BYU campus in my prelude without chains thinking I was really cool. Now, for some reason I make Mike drive me everywhere if there is snow on the ground.

I think it is funny that I always include a picture of Ruby and she is not my child. She is so beautiful it is hard to leave her pictures out. I wish someone would drop a little Ruby off at my door. I would love to have another little baby girl. However, Harrison is great birth control. He is the strongest child we have and he makes me just happy with what Ive got!

We are excited to go to Black Butte on Saturday. It is every ones favorite place, except for Disneyland of course. Although in July, it comes very close!

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We are cute tan

I wish it was Summer! I am looking out my window and all I see is snow. I wish I was at the beach!

We all look like Dad!

Merry Christmas Mike! We made you a Smith family Blog!
Here are some great pictures from the past year.

You are a wonderful Dad and the life of the family. Our blog address is, without Dad we are lost, and we really learned that these past months. We miss you when you are gone and we are so happy when you are home. 123

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Night before Christmas Eve!

Frosty has been out front all week!

Mike will not put a coat on. Why do little boys never get cold?

Lauren was over for the first week of snow. We have so much fun with her. She wrote Gretchen a note that said, "I'm not going home. PS I love you." She is the little sister Julia always wanted!

Finally, it is 10:59 and the kids are asleep! We have a family tradition called the 5 days till Christmas. Everyday we have a fun activity leading up to the big day. It goes like this:

5- Cousin party!

4-Candy white elephant exchange (Harrison's favorite)

3-Secret Santa (special present for a family in our ward)

2-Sleep under the Christmas tree!

1-Day of the bread (make bread together)

Christmas Day!

Sleeping under the tree is so magical but man it takes a long time to actually get them to sleep. We are all so excited to give Mike his present tomorrow. He is a blog stalker. He loves to read other peoples blogs. I know he secretly wants a Smith family blog but he has never said anything. Now, thanks to Mandi, we have one. I wish I could be funny and clever like her when I write. I will just have to stalk her blog for a while and try to improve. We love you Mike!

Monday, December 22, 2008

How great is a snow covered forest. We hiked through the forest behind our house and pretended it was Narnia. Ofcourse Harrison cried for Dad half way through and we had to bring him home. I wish the wardrobe was real!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

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We have been in the house for 1 week. I have never seen so much snow in Sherwood. The kids have had a blast playing in the snow. I however, need to get out!!! Posted by Picasa

Oregon is so beautiful in the winter. We went to Hebb Park the first week of December and took a hike by the river. Of course we were with Gretchen and her kids. We do not go many places without each other. The river was gorgeous and clear. We love being outside. This day reminded us of a similar hike last winter when Max jumped into the river. The sun was shinning but the water was VERY COLD! You have to love Max.

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