Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mental Health day

I believe strongly in mental health days. Every once in a while I will just clear the schedule to get out of town and go to a wonderful place to improve our mental health. We often go to the beach because it is only 90 minutes away and a good day at the beach has healing powers. However, on this day we decided to go to Silver Falls. I know the kids think I am crazy whenever we head off on a mental health day, but they all love it. We hiked 4 miles and even Harrison made it without help. We passed 4 beautiful waterfalls. Mike was sure one of us was going to fall so he was not any fun. Who says you can't hike in the rain?

Max and I looking for flowers!
Crazy man!Posted by Picasa


Mom said...

Cammy, your kids are so cute and you guys look like you are having so much fun. You are a good mother! I miss Oregon mucho, we loved going to Silver Falls. We love seeing your blog. Love Candy

Mandi said...

Cam, yo yo. sorry I'm just now commenting! I know that day was much needed. I'm glad it felt good to get out and enjoy the green. Feeling sad right now knowing that you are supposed to be here right now! love you